What We Do
Presentations to Contractors and Subcontractors
SCC shall conduct one (1) labor compliance presentation per project at pre-construction meetings. At such presentations, SCC shall discuss with contractors and subcontractors the federal and state labor law requirements applicable to the contract, including prevailing wage requirements, the respective record keeping responsibilities, the requirement for the submittal of certified payroll records, and the prohibition against discrimination in employment.
On-Site Visits
SCC shall conduct On-Site Visits at least once per calendar month, or as needed, for the project to verify the proper posting of California work place information, and to interview employees and operators of the contractor and subcontractors. During interviews, SCC shall obtain information regarding actual wages, job classifications, and fringe benefits of the interviewee. The results of each interview shall be summarized on the Labor Compliance Site Visitation Interview Form.
Review of Payroll Records
SCC shall review weekly certified payroll records of the contractor and subcontractors as submitted electronically to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (“DLSE”). These records shall be compared to (i) the Labor Compliance Site Visitation Interview Forms and (ii) the current prevailing wage rates of the State of California. In the event discrepancies are identified, SCC shall prepare a discrepancy report which shall be submitted to both our client and the DLSE.
Reporting Violations
In the event a violation is identified, SCC shall submit such findings to our clients and the DLSE. The report shall include (i) a description of the alleged violation and the evidence which supports said allegations, (ii) an audit consisting of a comparison of payroll records to the best available information as to the actual hours worked, (iii) the classification of workers employed on the public works contract, and (iv) any other additional investigative information as may be required to clarify the audit.
Public Records Requests
In the event our clients and/or SCC receives a Public Records Request(s) during or after completion of the Project, SCC shall fulfill the request to the requesting party on behalf of our clients, and as pursuant to, and authorized by California State Labor Code 1776 (b) (3) and in compliance with California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Group 3, Article 6, Section 16400.
Develop Public Outreach Activities
SCC shall assist our clients with the development of public outreach activities. These activities will include (i) regular presentations to contractors and subcontractors at job start meetings, (ii) ongoing communication with our clients on the possibility of prevailing wage violations, and (iii) periodic phone conferences with contractor organizations, prime contractors, and subcontractors interested in public works contracting with our clients. In addition, SCC shall provide ongoing management in-service and workshops for our clients.
“To provide both awarding bodies and contractors comprehensive labor compliance services. Teaming balanced views of labor with integrity and innovative enforcement, SCC strives to exceed the expectations of clients while protecting the interest of California’s workers.”